5 ways to catch up on work over break

Kelley Holland

While we enjoy our Thanksgiving Break, it’s easy to get caught up in relaxation and forget about classes completely. 

However, the end of the semester and final exams are approaching quickly. It may be helpful to use this break to catch up on work. Here are some things you can do before classes resume virtually. 

Check your syllabus 

Many instructors provide a tentative schedule within the course syllabus. Check for upcoming assignments, such as final essays that may be due in the next couple of weeks. Now might be a good time to get started on them. 


Check Blackboard and Toppermail

Checking Blackboard and your Toppermail may be more crucial now than ever. Check for updates from your professors about assignments and what their plan is when classes go virtual after break. Email them if you have any questions about the upcoming schedule. Stay in the loop!

Look at the final exam schedule 

Visit WKU’s website to see the final exam schedule for this semester. Figure out what day and time your final exams will be so you can prepare. If you are not sure what your professor plans to do for finals, send them an email.

Use a planner or calendar 

If you haven’t already been using a planner or calendar to keep track of assignments, it may be useful in these next couple of weeks. As we move to virtual learning after break, you may find it more difficult to keep up with assignments. Write down due dates in a planner, calendar, a list in your notebook or even in your phone. Check off each item as you complete them. 


If you’re having a final exam and your instructor has already prepared a study guide, or you just have an idea of what is going to be on the exam, now is the perfect time to dive in! Read over the material and refresh your memory. Make flash cards or practice other desired study methods. Review old tests and quizzes. You can even set up a Zoom study session with your friends! 

Kelley Holland can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @kelleyaholland.