Suzanne Vitale Clinical Education Complex receives two grants to support programs

Olivia Marshall

The Suzanne Vitale Clinical Education Complex (CEC) was awarded two grants from the WHAS Crusade for Children totaling $47,000 . 

According to a press release, CEC’s Kelly Autism Program Prime Time received a $21,000 grant and the Renshaw Early Childhood Center (RECC) Big Red School received  $26,000. 

According to the CEC, these two programs “serve children with special needs from 15 months of age through 18 years.” The grant money will be used to support the programs which serve special needs individuals and families in southcentral Kentucky.


“The programs would not be able to operate effectively without the support of the WHAS Crusade for Children,” said Mary Lloyd Moore, executive director of the CEC.

Oliva Marshall can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @omarshall99.