Beshear’s daily update includes 177 new COVID-19 cases and 17 deaths, new testing site in Hopkinsville

Natasha Breu

Gov. Beshear’s daily COVID-19 update included 177 new cases and 17 deaths. Beshear said he considers today’s number of cases to be “good news” because they aren’t on the increase, but acknowledged they’re still not on the decrease.

33,328 Kentuckians have been tested and 1,076 are hospitalized. 286 are in the ICU and 1,266 have recovered. Kentucky now has 3,192 cases and 171 deaths.

“…We are on track to defeat this virus,” Beshear said. “But knowing that every decision that we make matters.”


Beshear also emphasized how deadly this virus is and said there will be days worse than this, but he doesn’t want there to be many. 

He mentioned an elderly couple who passed away within a few days of each other due to COVID-19 and said this year they would’ve celebrated 64 years together. 

“Our hearts go out to you and we will light our houses green for you, for everybody else, as long as it takes to get through this,” Beshear said. 

Beshear also encouraged Kentuckians to fill out the census. He said Kentucky is currently 16th in the census ranking. 

“So please, if you haven’t done it, do it,” Beshear said. “It is a legal obligation.”

Beshear said nearing phase one and phase two of the White House’s plan of reopening, it’s still important for senior citizens to stay at home and encouraged virtual communication for those in care facilities. 

Beshear said it’s important to follow the advice of Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who said reopening the economy too fast can backfire.

He also mentioned the four drive-thru testing centers open and the number of people they have tested so far which include Paducah at 138, Pikeville at 118, Madisonville at 226 and Somerset at 201. The Kentucky Department of Public Health has partnered with the Christian County Health Department to open a new testing location at Tie Breaker park in Hopkinsville to test up to 70 people a day. 

Beshear said businesses wanting to reopen should submit plans for how they can follow CDC guidelines at He said businesses should consider how they will reinforce social distancing, how to handle symptomatic employees and what accommodations they’ll have for at-risk populations. 

“Avoiding a second spike will restore our economy faster,” Beshear said. 

To schedule a COVID-19 test visit 

For more information on COVID-19, visit the state’s website at KYCOVID19.KY.GOV.

News Editor Natasha Breu can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @nnbreu.