Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced 87 new cases of coronavirus and five new deaths in his daily update on Monday. A total of 4,161 cases and 213 deaths have been confirmed in Kentucky.
Beshear began his daily update announcing that on Sunday 150,000 unemployment claims were processed and $174 million was awarded to Kentuckians.
“I made a commitment to those who applied in March to get this done,” Beshear said.
Additionally, Beshear said “70,000 claims are going to be paid out.”
There are around 30,000 claims left to go through for Kentuckians who have applied for unemployment.
Kentucky Public Health Department Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack came up to the podium to discuss staying healthy at work moving forward as businesses begin to reopen.
Stack started by encouraging that anyone who needs care to go to hospitals and get treated.
“Do not resist going to the hospital and getting care. We want to help those who need it,” Stack said.
The first phase of reopening businesses is to change what traditional waiting rooms look like, universal masking for all people who have all direct personal contact, enhanced sanitizing and disinfecting.
“Even though this disease seems like it is on a plateau it is still not OK to feel safe,” Stack said. “I urge and ask you to comply with the requirements we have in place.”
Beshear said on Wednesday there will be more information regarding the plan to start reopening “phase by phase” starting on May 11.
“Every week thereafter for four weeks we will ease some restrictions, bring some groups or some industries back online,” Beshear said. “It gives us enough time to get the right guidelines in place industry by industry where we can gradually work up.”
Starting on May 11 Kentuckians are asked to wear masks while out in public. Those who do not will be asked to put a mask on, but will not be cited for not complying.
“This will be our new normal until we get a vaccine ready for us,” Beshear said.
For any concerns, Beshear encouraged Kentuckians to visit KYCOVID19.GOV.
News reporter Nick Kieser can be reached at nick.kieser036@topper.wku.edu. Follow Nick on Twitter at @KieserNick.