WKU Health Services offered a flu shot clinic for students Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon. This comes as Kentucky’s Department for Public Health declares the flu to be an epidemic this season in a recent release.
The flu shots were 100% covered by all insurance companies. Students without insurance were charged $45 for the vaccine.
This year, the flu is in its sixth consecutive week in Kentucky, which is the states highest level of flu activity, according to the Department for Public Health. The state heavily suggests residents consider catching up on vaccines.
“We especially recommend that all healthy Kentuckians aged six months and older be vaccinated,” State Epidemiologist Jonathon Boward said.
The Department for Public Health said it takes up to two weeks for the vaccination to develop complete protection.
WKU’s Health Services echoed this, and added Hilltoppers should be sure to regularly wash hands, cover extremities and avoid hand-to-eye contact. This is all in an effort to protect others while protecting oneself.
“We encourage you to support students, faculty and staff who are sick to not attend class to help minimize the spread of the flu,” Zaiba Moledina, a physician practice coordinator at Graves-Gilbert, said via email.
Vaccines will still be available following Wednesday’s event. Students can make an appointment with Health Services to receive a flu shot at any time.
News reporter Brody Rexing can be reached at Brody.Rexing586@topper.wku.edu.