Funeral details for Caboni’s father released

Jeremy Chisenhall

Following the death of WKU President Timothy Caboni’s father, Chris Caboni, Brother Martin High School has released details on a funeral mass. Chris worked as a science teacher at Brother Martin for 20 years.

There will be a funeral service for August “Chris” Caboni at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday at Jacob Schoen & Son Funeral Home, 3827 Canal Street, New Orleans. Visitation will begin at 11:45 a.m. 

“We were blessed to experience Mr. Caboni’s humility, peace, and patience every day as a part of our faculty,” Brother Martin said in a statement on its website.


“In recent years, Mr. Caboni did much of his work behind the scenes, setting up and breaking down science labs in the Meyer building so that our teachers could teach and our students could learn without having to worry about the details. Mr. Caboni took care of the details, and his love for Brother Martin was undeniable.”

Chris Caboni was recently a 9th-grade physical science teacher, according to Brother Martin’s statement. 

{{tncms-inline account=”Tim Caboni” html=”<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Grateful for my father’s love of education, his students and teaching science. His life has been a remarkable example for so many. I miss you dad. <a href=""></a></p>— Tim Caboni (@caboni) <a href="">September 5, 2019</a></blockquote>” id=”″ type=”twitter”}}

In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be sent to one of the following, WKU Director of Media Relations Bob Skipper told the Herald.

Chris Caboni Endowed Scholarship Fund, Holy Cross High School, 5601 Elysian Fields Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana, 70122

Chris Caboni Endowed Scholarship Fund, Brother Martin High School, 4401 Elysian Fields Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana 70122