IMRec Sports changed to Campus Recreation and Wellness

Lily Burris

Intramural Recreational Sports became WKU Campus Recreation and Wellness on Monday.

Campus Recreation & Wellness is housed in the Raymond B. Preston Health and Activities Center and includes ORAC, the Outdoor Recreation Adventure Center; GroupX, a fitness class program; and intramural sports at WKU.

According to the announcement on Facebook, wellness is a core value of the program, and the new name reflects that.


Alissa Arnold, assistant director of health and fitness, said the name changed to match the expanding program that evolved and changed with the student population.

“(We) really just wanted wellness as a part of the name because health and wellness of students is really important as they grow as a student and adapt with the challenges that they face as a college student,” Arnold said. “It’s really important for them to understand the different dimensions of wellness and our program has a lot to offer to the student body for that.”

News reporter Lily Burris can be reached at 270-745-6011 and [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @lily_burris.