Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research faces upcoming transition

Lily Burris

Professor will begin working at Georgia College and State University effective July 1.

In an email today, Jim Berger, professor in Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research and coordinator of Adult Education, announced that he will begin working at GCSU as their Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning on July 1.

“Over the past eighteen years, I have enjoyed working with you all and have developed many friendships and colleagues,” Berger said.


Berger came to WKU to develop the Masters of Arts in Education in Adult Education, according to the email. The program has graduated over 100 students with several in leadership positions across the nation, according to the email.

“I have loved working with my students, watching them grow and mature, and thank you all for the help and guidance you provide them and myself,” Berger said. “Out efforts have helped them reach a stage in their lives that, for many, has been a dream.”

Through the transition, Berger will work with Marguerita DeSander, department head of Educational Administration, Leadership, and Research, to make the process smooth, according to the email.

“Efforts are already in place to secure instructors for the summer and fall classes,” Berger said.

News reporter Lily Burris can be reached at 270-745-6011 and [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @lily_burris.