SGA approves multiple organizational aid bills

Jack Dobbs

SGA voted to approve four bills that provide organizational aid to three upcoming campus events.

The first bill, Bill 14-18-F, was presented in the Tuesday, Oct. 30, meeting by Organizational Aid Chair and Administrative Vice President Harper Anderson. The bill called for an allocation of $500 to WKU Women in Science and Engineering, a group that pushes for increased enrollment of women in STEM fields, according to the W.I.S.E. website.

The bill also called for an allocation of the precise sum of $496.66 to the PE majors club. The funding will allow the club to attend a conference held in Lexington, according to the SGA meeting agenda. The bill was passed by a wide 32-1 vote.


Bill 14-18-F called for $500 to be awarded to the Student Affairs Graduate Association. According to the billโ€™s description, this would allow SAGA to attend a conference in Louisville.

Bill 16-18-F was also passed, which requested the funding of $500 to WKUโ€™s Habitat for Humanity. This will allow for a trip during winter break to Oklahoma City to build houses, according to the billโ€™s description.

Bill 16-18-F called for the funding of $280 to Omega Psi Phiโ€™s annual scholarship pageant as well as $250 to fund Delta Sigma Piโ€™s LEAD Conference registration costs. Bill 16-18-F was passed by a 30-2 vote.

The funding will allow for a scholarship opportunity for two students to attend a SAGA conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The Senate also passed Bill 15-18-F, which called for $150 to go toward catering from Subway for the Campus Safety Walk which will be held on Nov. 14, according to the billโ€™s description.

Bill 17-18-F was authored by Sustainability Committee Chair Jayden Thomas and called for $100 in funding. The funding will go toward a basket for Sustainability Day on Nov. 14. SGA will sponsor the basket along with the SGA Sustainability Committee, according to the billโ€™s description.

Bill 17-18-F was passed by a 32-1 vote.

Outside of organizational aid legislation, SGA also passed Resolution 6-18-F. This resolution supports allowing part-time faculty members to be advisors for registered student organizations.

As of now, only full-time faculty members can be advisors to a student club or organization, according to the resolutionโ€™s description. This resolution was also authored by Thomas.

SGA meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the Senate chambers of Downing Student Union. There will be no meeting next Tuesday, Nov. 6.

Reporter Jack Dobbs can be reached at 270-745-0655 and