UPDATE: BGPD public information officer says no robbery occurred, no gun present

Herald Staff

Update: Ronnie Ward, public information office for the BGPD, said a robbery didn’t take place on College Street as initially reported in WKU alerts, nor was a gun present. 

Ward said the subjects involved were present in the house on College Street, but were told to leave and subsequently left once police were called. He said the residents of the home knew the subjects. 

“It really was a whole lot different than they thought it was,” he said. 


A subsequent WKU alert did not go out. 

Original story:

A WKU alert went out this morning concerning a robbery reported by the Bowling Green Police Department on College Street. 

The reported robbery occurred at 1362 College St. Description is a white male with a backpack and handgun.

Another alert was sent out saying BGPD had identified the subjects. Last seen walking towards the Columns apartments. 

The Herald will update this as more information becomes available.