TWITTER TIME: Is it too early to play Christmas music?

Taylor Huff

Since the Presidential election last November, the United States is now more divided than ever (not counting those four years where the country actually divided.)

Alongside this division, two distinct groups have risen to power whose ideologies are so conflicting that compromise no longer seems a viable option. No, I’m not talking about Republicans and Democrats. I’m talking about those who are already playing Christmas music in November and those who don’t want anyone else to have any fun.

As the opinion editor of this publication, it is my duty to respect everyone’s opinion and attempt to view the world from their perspective.


But if you think for one second I’m going to turn off the soothing melody of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” while I drown my sorrows in eggnog and watch re-runs of Reba then you’ve got another thing coming.

Now that you’ve heard a little too much about my personal life, it’s time to see what our Twitter followers think. We posed the question: “Is it too early to play Christmas music? Let us know why you think yes or no.”

{{tncms-inline account=”WKU Herald” html=”<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Is it too early to play Christmas music? Let us know why you think yes or no.</p>— WKU Herald (@wkuherald) <a href="">November 14, 2017</a></blockquote>” id=”″ type=”twitter”}}