OPINION: Every day we wear pink (or whatever you want)

Nicole Leonard


In the iconic comedy “Mean Girls,” Lindsay Lohan famously said, “In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut, and no other girls can say anything about it.”

The fact of the matter is that every day is a good day to dress however you want—no excuse necessary. The only difference between Halloween and every other day of the year is that you can pretend to be someone you’re not, and still no one can say anything about it.

Clothing choices are an extension of a person’s self. Fashion is one of many mechanisms by which a person portrays his or herself to the outside world. Anything worn with confidence and the knowledge that you’re showing the world who you want to be should be acceptable any time.

There is a multitude of societal standards that aim to stifle the creative styles that young girls and boys would otherwise cultivate and use to impart upon themselves an image of positivity concerning self-acceptance.

It’s counterproductive to reinforce rhetoric that imposes these outdated dress codes in many areas of life, but there are exceptions.

Professional expectations in this regard, though often dull and notably devoid of personal expression, are understandable. The professional world will undoubtedly take longer to remove itself from the ties of traditional conservatism as a result of the hierarchy of generations that dictate its standards.

However, a cultural phenomenon has found its foothold in many social media sites and other media campaigns that allow women and men to practice self-love. It recognizes the shift in the mentality of young people, a mindset categorized by tolerance of one another.

Gender-specific fashion trends aren’t as specific anymore. A few men are dominating the makeup industry and wearing it themselves. They blend and contour in ways a lot of girls could only dream of accomplishing, and that’s totally fine.

It’s not our job to be in the business of shaming someone who has come to terms with themselves anymore.

Body positivity should be encouraged rigorously as often as possible. It is difficult to find confidence in yourself when it feels as if everyone around you is critiquing your every decision, from the color of your hair to the height of your heels. Those voices in your head should be as quiet as the voices of others hoping to drag you down at whatever cost.

Find pride in the creativity of self-expression, and own who you are. It’s time dress for yourself—and only for yourself.

When it comes to establishing body positivity, the most basic place to start is with you. Understand that you are the person you want to impress first and foremost, and the rest will come with time.

This encouragement isn’t corny or cliche. It’s necessary because it has not been the trend, historically. It’s impossible to eliminate judgement, but it is possible to ignore it.

Halloween is a good time to experiment with the image for which you currently hold yourself accountable. Be inventive and view yourself in a new light for the night.

Don’t discount opportunities to find solace in the fact that you are whoever you want to be, and find a way to actualize that for yourself.

Style is all about you. Own it.