Ransdell issues statement on SGA resolution

Herald Staff

President Gary Ransdell released a statement concerning a Student Government Association resolution to support reparations for black students. 

In the statement, Ransdell said student success is part of an important, continuing, discussion at WKU and the “recruitment, persistence and success of underrepresented minority students is a daily focus across this institution.” 

Ransdell said he appreciated the interest taken by SGA in such issues, but wanted to clarify the SGA resolution is not an official position taken by WKU. 


I have read the SGA resolution, and I understand that their intent was to spark a conversation, but the University will not adopt any such policy,” Ransdell said in the statement. 

He also said WKU will direct “resources, energy and effort” towards methods which are practical and proven to achieve student success, with a specific focus on “underrepresented minorities, low-income and first generation college students.”

Ransdell’s statement can be read in full here

The Herald will continue to report on this story as it develops.