Electrify your semester routine with these songs

Spencer Harsh

The semester is already well underway, and you are probably settling into a routine, setting up your favorite walking routes, claiming a seat in each of your classes, and you may have even made time each night for homework.

Spring semesters can be a little rough since they feel longer due to fewer breaks and holidays. Routine becomes a standard product in the life a student, but often routine can become boring. Typically, students turn to music to liven up the routine of their day-to-day and make the walk to class more enjoyable.

With this in mind, I give you five songs you can add to your daily routine in hopes of spicing it up a little:


1. Go it Alone by Beck — This easy-rocking track from Beck’s sixth album “Guero” fits well into a playlist you may listen to in-between classes. Its relaxed tone could also fit into a studying playlist or a playlist you listen to in the morning when you’re waking up. A fun fact for this track is that Jack White from The White Stripes is playing the bass lines.

2. Itz a Set Up by Guru — This tune offers an excellentthrowback to ‘90s style hip-hop. Coming from Gangstarr’s fifth album, “Moment of Truth,” this track fits into a workout playlist or just something fun to jam to in-between classes. Hannibal Stax also appears on the track to offer some lines.

3. Force by Troyboi — If you got excited for the most recent announcement of “Star Wars Episode VIII,” then you may be even more excited about this track. As a dubstep-style track, Troyboi adds in traditional sounds from “Star Wars” such as Darth Vader’s breathing and lightsaber sounds. The track fits well into a study playlist if you study aggressively or your workout mix.

4. Wild Horses – Acoustic by Bishop Briggs– This coffeehouse style track fits well into a studying playlist with all the added benefit of being an enjoyable listen. The original recording of the track is a lot more hyped-up and modernized and may fit well into a workout playlist. A fun fact for Bishop Briggs is that she is in the lineup for Coachella this year.

5. One Horse Race by Tom Vek — This track brings in a good Indie vibe and is catchy. You could even find yourself singing along after hearing the track a few times. The track is something fun to listen to in-between classes or while driving around town. A few facts for the track is that it is also a part of the soundtrack for “Grand Theft Auto IV” and was on the B-side to Tom Vek’s single “Nothing but Green Lights.”