Photo staff features best work from break

Larry Gordy relaxes with his family at their trailer on Navajo Nation Reservation. Hundreds of sick uranium mine workers are currently dying from their exposure in the mines that once supplied the Cold War nuclear arms race even as President Trump has called for a second nuclear arms race to begin. Despite the deaths of workers in his family, Gordy admits that he would take a job in the mines if they were ever reopened in order to provide for his children.


While many WKU students spent their six-week winter break celebrating the holiday season, picking up an extra work shift or “Netflix and chill-ing,” the WKU Herald photo staff spent its winter break freshening up on its photography skills. The pursuit of the perfect photograph took the Herald photographers across the nation. 

One photograher spent a week photographing the Navajo Nation Reservation located in the southwestern region of the U.S. Another staff member traveled north of Bowling Green to photograph a former victim of human trafficking. The victim, Summer Dickerson, recalls enduring multiple forms of torture including being buried alive. While some of the photographs depict controversial topics, one staffer kept her photographs light-hearted at a John Paul White concert in Seattle, Washington. 

This semester we, the Herald Photo Staff, hope to connect with the community of WKU, Bowling Green and beyond. We hope the community members welcome us into their lives with open arms so we can tell their stories with the delicateness they deserve.

-The Herald Photo Staff