Fall SGA senators selected after election

Alex Rivera

 The WKU Student Government Association released its vote tallies and senate seat winners a little after midnight on Thursday morning.

The following students have been appointed for the respective seats:

Freshman Senators:

Ryan Richardson

Mariah Hughes

Helen Vickrey

Potter College of Arts and Letters Senator:

Emily Houston

University College Senator:

Adbullah Raza

Ogden College of Science and Engineering Senator:

Matthew Puckett

Gordon Ford College of Business Senator:

Ian Hamilton

ESLI Student Senator:

Ali Alsheef

Student Senator at Large:

Eliza Devlin

Cassidy Townsend

Francisco Serrano

Anna Rose McAvoy

Savannah Reynolds

Morgan Wysong

Conner Hounshell

Dillon McCormick

Stephen Mayer

1,415 votes were cast total in the election process by WKU students through TopNet and voting stations on campus provided by the SGA.