Black Men at Western group returns to WKU


After a four-year hiatus, Black Men at Western is returning to WKU’s campus; the organization previously concluded in 2012.

President of the organization Cameron Currin, a sophomore from Brentwood, Tennessee, said the group had ended four years ago because it had not been able to function properly. 

This time around, BMW is more organized and has a clear plan for re-establishing itself on campus. 


“Our main focus is to help minority males navigate through college experiences as a WKU student,” Currin said of the organization’s new vision.

BMW has already completed several meetings and set up both short-term and long-term plans.

“We are all committing our time to community service throughout the Bowling Green community,” said Chicago, Ill. sophomore Chris Wilborn, the vice president of BMW. “[We will] brainstorm on having open discussion talks on campus and hopefully host a couple events on campus with another organization.”

The group plans to hold an event discussing real-life situations that might affect WKU students on campus and offering strategies students can use to cope with them in a positive way. Also in the works is an event geared to relieve student stress during finals week.

BMW has been working on getting a consistent number of men to join the organization and has made sure to inform potential members that race doesn’t determine whether or not someone can join, according to Currin.

“The name ‘Black Men at Western’ is not just for black males,” Currin said. “We do not want anyone to feel that they cannot be a part of our organization due to race.”

In addition to planning events, BMW also wants to ensure that it will continue to grow and develop to its fullest potential as an organization.

“For upcoming years, we just want to grow as an organization and have a positive presence on campus,” said Currin, “as well as have events that incorporate and include mentorship, leadership opportunities and community service.”

While collaborating with the vice president and with committee members is a key part of Currin’s presidency, he is also in charge of planning membership committee meetings, marketing the organization on campus and guiding group efforts in consultation with advisors.

Wilborn, as vice president, is in charge of managing ideas for upcoming events and meetings and assisting the president when necessary.

“I make sure the BMW continues to make progress and achieve our goals,” said Wilborn.

Wilborn said the organization is a good opportunity for its members to encourage one another to attain their goals.

“We all have dreams and goals that we are trying to reach, and the great thing about being a part of this brotherhood is to uplift one another,” Wilborn said.

With the two leaders in place, this organization plans to continue moving forward in its efforts to establish themselves more on campus, grow as an organization and reach its full potential.


“Our main goal is to be an organization that can be on campus for years to come,” Currin said. “Meaning that even when the board members leave, our foundation is solid [so] that the next group can only be successful from that point forward.”