Skipping Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Find the perfect purse to balance practicality and style

Scout Hardin mug 2

Scout Hardin

Finding the perfect purse can be a challenge. For me, searching for a bag both practical and stylish has turned into a lifelong quest.

The primary struggle in my hunt for a dream bag is the ongoing battle between sensibility and tastefulness. No need to sacrifice fashion for practicality. Black, camel, gray and even metallic colors are standards if you want a bag that will go with every outfit.

However, there’s no need to feel boxed in. Bold colors are flirty and fresh and can be worn easily with several different styles. Vibrant purses add life to muted looks.

Many of us overstuff our bags with anything and everything. I have found more than my fair share of mystery items in my purses throughout the years from ticket stubs to dog bones. Today, I try to pack smart and light. I keep zippered bags separating safety pins, Band-Aids, Kleenex, a Tide to Go pen, breath mints, hand sanitizer and lotion. As my mother says, “Better safe than sorry.”

If you struggle with traveling light, don’t try to cram everything into a minuscule clutch. An overstuffed arm-piece looks unprofessional and sloppy. Invest in a larger purse that will fit all your goodies.

That being said, carry a purse in proportion to your size. If you’re five feet nothing, don’t tote a purse that could double as a small home. If you are a tall glass of water, give an oversized satchel a shot.

Recognize when it is time to throw out a purse. We all have our favorites, but once holes and frays start making appearances, it’s time for your bag to go to purse heaven. A worn bag will make any outfit look slapdash.

Purses can be fun! Don’t let all the options intimidate you. Find a bag that matches your personality and is equally useful. Your dream purse is out there; go find it!