Listen to This – Great albums released by Kentuckians

Andrew Critchelow

With the Dec. 18 release of Cage the Elephant’s new album “Tell Me I’m Pretty” right around the corner, fans of local music have another reason to be proud of their state’s musical community. However, 2015 has already given Kentucky music enthusiasts plenty to be happy about. 

“The Waterfall” by My Morning Jacket:

Now on album No. 7, My Morning Jacket still refuses to fall into a niche sound. On “The Waterfall,” the band continues its tradition of sonic exploration while still being grounded by frontman Jim James’ sweet melodies and signature howl. 

The opening track “Believe (Nobody Knows)” evokes a sense of discovery and curiosity with swirling synthesizers and bombastic guitars while James repeatedly encourages the listener simply to believe. 

“Over and Even” by Joan Shelley:

Singer-songwriter Joan Shelley’s music has a quality to it that feels like taking a breath of fresh air right outside a tobacco barn. Shelley’s songs have a way of calming the soul and exhilarating the mind while still evoking old, dusty images. These images are very much prevalent on Shelly’s new record “Over and Even.”

The title track opens and closes with the sounds of gentle wind chimes. Soft banjo chops and hypnotizing guitar lines accent the track, making listeners feel like they are on a rocking chair on a warm summer night with a gentle breeze in the air.

“In Infinite Indigo” by Phourist and the Photons:

Louisville-based trio Phourist and the Photons has a way of creating songs that sound more like elaborate auditory sketches than conventional pop-structured affairs. On the track “Visitations,” frantic piano chords wash over the tribal beating of drums, peaking into a chorus that would not sound out of place at a stadium.