(Demetrius Freeman/HERALD)
On Friday, June 26, a beautiful thing happened in this country. For the first time, same-sex couples could legally marry and proclaim their love for each other in the most profound way in every state. No more traveling to different countries for their union, or different states that previously recognized same-sex marriage.
No more symbolic unions and services. They can go to their local clerk, get a marriage license and make it official.
On Sunday, July 5, our local paper The Bowling Green Daily News released a letter from Editor Steve Gaines proclaiming the paper’s stance on marriage. According to their beliefs, marriage is only between one man and one woman, contrasting the June 26 Supreme Court decision.
The times, clearly, have changed, as evident by the victory and strides in equality made on June 26. But this newspaper’s stance has not. Despite the news business becoming an evolutionary field, it seems the Daily News can’t evolve from days of the past.
The paper did say that despite their views, they will still print same-sex marriage and engagement announcements, citing that the newspaper will “follow the law of the land.” However, it is easy to understand that some of these couples might feel uncomfortable running their announcements in a publication that has announced it does not support them.
In response, we at the Herald are extending our hand. As a publication that has run many editorials supporting LGBTQA rights, we’re not only willing to publish your announcements, we’re ecstatic that you’re tying the knot. As Justice Anthony Kennedy said in the SC ruling, “no union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than they once were.”
If you would like to run your engagement or marriage announcement, send them our way. My email is kaely.holloway@wku.edu. We look forward to helping you proclaim your love.