Letter to the Editor: Richey for President

Jay Todd Richey

Joseph Minga

I cannot say I am a student at Western Kentucky University. I cannot even say I am a resident of Kentucky. However, I am quite impressed with a candidate running for Student Government Association: Jay Todd Richey. You, as a student with privileges at WKU, have the deciding power to choose a leader that will represent everyone, not just the highly favored and extremely vocal. If you could learn one lesson from a Belmont student, let it be that you need honest, hardworking individuals like Jay Todd Richey to lead your Student Government Association. 

A little back-tracking here: My name is Joseph Minga and I am a Senior International Business student just forty-five minutes south of Western Kentucky University at Belmont University. Through attending national conferences and workshops related to International Relations and the Confucius Institute, I have learned a great deal about Jay Todd Richey and the issues he cares about. He is an honest, trustworthy man of character and is highly respected by the national organizations that allowed the two of us to collaborate on a variety of topics. After reviewing his platform for President, I can agree without reservation that he can accomplish all of these objectives during his term.

Candidates like Jay Todd Richey are essential to Student Government Organizations, or else corruption and conflict arise. Just this week, the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership at Belmont University suspended all SGA activities until further notice. The cause is unclear, but could likely be related to an internal conflict between the President and Vice-President that almost led to impeachment. Regardless of what led university administration to suspend SGA operations, this should be a learning opportunity for WKU to never reach this level of futile and stagnant leadership. 

Jay Todd Richey has brought Western Kentucky University to the world stage with its best foot forward. In order to keep the momentum going, it would be in your best interest to elect him as President. Again, I do not attend Western Kentucky, but I share your concerns when it comes to issues like solutions to rising student tuition rates, having opinions heard to administration, increasing campus diversity, and a desire for more transparency. Take this from someone who respects WKU and only wishes the best for all students: Vote Jay Todd Richey for SGA President on March 31 through April 1. 

– Joseph Minga