Passport office opens in DSU

Brittany Eldridge

WKU is known for its international reach and students are encouraged to study abroad throughout their college careers. But in order for students to travel abroad, they have to go through the process of getting a passport first. 

WKU Passport Services, a new department this semester, will issue passports and operate under Postal Services.

Marshall Gray, director of Postal Services, said this was something the department started researching about eight to 10 months ago.

Gray said they began moving to Downing Student Union during fall break and opened Monday. The office is located inside the post office on the ground floor of DSU.

Postal Services and the Office of Study Abroad and Global Learning communicate with one another and have done “passport days” in the past, where students can apply to get their passport renewed. 

“Now that the services are available on campus, every day is passport day,” Gray said. 

Gray said Postal Services participated in the Majors and Minors and Study Abroad Fair in September and during the fair, the staff had the opportunity to speak to about 100 students about passports.

“The biggest thing is the convenience of having it right there,” Gray said. “Not only can the passport office offer the services of getting a passport, but it can answer questions that students may have.” 

Lisa Kirby, office associate of Postal Services, said if students get a passport on campus, there is a shorter wait time than if they go to the Bowling Green post office. However, the fees and requirements are still the same, as they deal with the Department of State.

“If students have a passport, then they would be ready to travel anywhere, and would be more likely to travel,” Kirby said.