Dry Clean Only: Fall fashion trends await cooler days

Kae Holloway

Contrary to the belief of certain pumpkin spice latte pushing coffee shops, fall is not here yet. 

With temperatures rising into the 80s and 90s daily, it is just not yet time to sip your autumn roast from Einstein’s and kick up colored leaves in soft flannels and boots.

While it’s too early to wear those fall staples, it’s not too early to talk about them. Although not to the point of ad nauseam that pumpkin spice is already approaching.


This fall, leather will be king. Leather jackets, pants, skirts and vests will be everywhere and in every color. The punk classic gained in popularity last fall and winter, but stores such as H&M, Forever 21 and more have greatly increased their faux-leather supply. 

Entire tables in Nashville’s H&M are devoted to leather skirts and pants in different cuts and styles. Entire racks in Forever 21 are devoted to jackets that range from traditional, Ramones-inspired black to Michael Jackson red. 

Flannels, as always, will make their cozy return. Honestly, it’s impossible to foresee a fall without those idyllic images of dressing in flannel, sipping coffee and watching “Hocus Pocus.” It reached a peak with grunge bands of the 1990s and hasn’t left yet. Although the jury’s out if Kurt Cobain drank copious amounts of coffee and watched “Hocus Pocus” while wearing his.

This fall, ankle boots will stomp their way up and down the Hill. Gone (hopefully) are the days of mid-calf brown leather boots. Fashion bloggers and stylists have been pushing for ankle boots for several seasons, and this fall may be their true time to shine.

Ankle boots are typically cheaper because they use less material, and come in just as many neutral colors as the mid-calf boots. They are easily paired with the same dresses, jeans and skirts as before. The only downside: more of your tight-clad legs will be exposed to the elements. 

There are still several weeks until fall, giving you plenty of time to pull out or purchase the aforementioned products. These three only merely graze the surface of all the clothes, shoes and accessories that will color your fall.