SGA's Executive Cabinet listen as a bill is presented at a meeting on March 16, 2021. 2. SGA holds a meeting in DSU on March 16, 2021. 3. Senators listen as Executive Reports are given during an SGA meeting on February 23, 2021.
SGA is holding senate elections for the Fall 2021 semester. Here’s everything you need to know about the candidates.
Voting will be open from April 12 to April 13 on TopNet.
Addison McCoun
Running for: Senator-at-Large, Potter College of Arts and Letters Senator
Andrew Park
Running for: Gatton Academy Student Senator
Anna Thompson
Running for: Sophomore Senator
“I am hoping to create more safety features around our campus so that everyone of all genders, ages, sexual orientation, and race feels safe on our campus,” Thompson said.
Aniya Johnson
Running for: Sophomore Senator, Senator-at-Large, First Generation Senator
Avery Wells
Running for Administrative Vice President, Potter College of Arts and Letters Senator
Elizabeth DeLozier
Running for: Junior Senator, College of Health and Human Services Senator, Senator-at-Large
“While in office, I aim to expand SGA’s Scholarship Program and work with WKU Health Education and Promotion to encourage a more informed, inclusive, and empowered campus,” DeLozier said.
Emily Bunning
Running for: Senator-at-Large, Senior Senator, Potter College of Arts and Letters Senator
“WKU is our home, and as such we should be doing everything we can to make it feel safe, comfortable, and peaceful,” Bunning said.
Garrett Baum
Running for: Junior Senator, Senator-at-Large, Gordon Ford College of Business Senator
“I am running on a platform that calls for equal support to ALL organizations on campus, whether it be Greek, Sport clubs, social clubs, religious clubs, or any other organization on campus,” Baum said.
Jacob Congleton
Running for: Senior Senator, Senator-at-Large, Gordon Ford College of Business Senator
Jesse Banales
Running for: Sophomore Senator, Senator-at-Large, Gordon Ford College of Business Senator, First Generation Senator
“If elected, I have one goal. I’m all about being inclusive. I want every student on campus to have fun, be safe, but most importantly, to be welcoming. We all have our differences, but we are all Hilltoppers,” Banales said.
Kat Howard
Running for: Senator-at-Large, Sophomore Senator, Ogden College of Science and Engineering Senator
Matthew Waninger – (WON)
Running for: Student Body President
“As student body president, I would like to make SGA the most active and vibrant organization on campus,” Waninger said.
Margaret Glaser
Running for: Junior Senator, Senator-at-Large
“If elected, I hope to be able to reach out to less outspoken students to provide more opportunities to be involved on campus through different student organizations,” Glaser said.
Me’Lon Craighead – (WON)
Running for: Executive Vice President
“I am very passionate about the experiences and opportunities that students receive in college and I want every Hilltopper to feel that their voice matters and holds power to improve their higher education experience,” Craighead said.
Meghan Pierce
Running for: Senior Senator, Senator-at-Large, Potter College of Arts and Letters Senator
Nia Douglas
Running for: Sophomore Senator, Senator-at-Large, ISEC Senator, Potter College of Arts and Letters Senator
Reed Breunig
Running for: Administrative Vice President
“Amplifying the student’s voice, and ensuring the health and wellness of our campus community is of the utmost importance to the WCB ticket and I could not be more proud to put my name behind a ticket,” Bruenig said.
Rhyan Blazek
Running for: Senator-at-Large, Nontraditional Senator, First Generation Senator, Ogden College of Science and Engineering
“If elected, I will work to motivate WKU to walk the talk of being a “student-and-learning-centered” university,” Blazek said.
Trey Englehardt
Running for: Sophomore Senator, Senator-at-Large
Tess Welch
Running for: Senator-at-Large, Senior Senator, College of Education and Behavioral Science
“Next year I hope to continue pushing for all students to be heard, evaluations to be implemented for advisors, active engagement by senators, and changes to our parking situation. I take my task of senator incredibly seriously,” Welch said.
William Dykeman
Running for: Sophomore Senator, Senator-at-Large, Nontraditional Senator
“I hope to expand on bigger and better student opportunities I worked to curate within the senate chambers,” Dykeman said.
Waninger/Craighead/Bruenig TicketMatthew Waninger: Student Body President (WON)
“We aim to optimize and enrich the student experience by promoting resources ranging from the counseling center to ORAC to any one of the over 350 Registered Student Organizations here on campus,” Waninger said about the WCB Ticket.
Me’Lon Craighead: Executive Vice President (WON)
“The WCB ticket mutually has 3 main platforms that represent our values: Enrich the student experience, amplifying the student voice, and health and wellness. Together we will unite and empower the student body as a whole,” Craighead said.
Reed Bruenig: Administrative Vice President
“Matthew and Me’Lon are two of the most compassionate, hard-working leaders I know. They also share my interest in turning SGA back into the “student-focused” organization that it is supposed to be,” Bruenig said.
Jacob Latimer can be reached at jacob.latimer745@topper.wku.edu. Follow him on Twitter @jacoblatimer_