Three new members added to Administrative Council

Trey Crumbie

WKU’s Administrative Council has several new faces with new titles this semester.

Among the 13 members is Gordon Johnson, chief information technology officer. Johnson assumed his position in July following Bob Owen, former vice president for Information Technology. Owen recently accepted the position of chief information officer and vice provost for Technology and Information Services at Santa Clara University.

The Administrative Council reports to President Gary Ransdell on the ongoing affairs within their respective divisions and work together to provide leadership at WKU.


“It’s a team,” Ransdell said. “Everybody around that table has got equal say in things we talk about as a group.”

Bryan Russell, chief facilities officer, was promoted to his position from Director of Planning, Design and Construction, following the retirement of John Osborne, former vice president of campus services and facilities, in May. 

Along with the department of Planning, Design, and Construction, Russell is now responsible for the department of Facilities Management and the Office of Sustainability.  The department of Environmental Health and Safety also falls under his authority.  

The council contains two less vice presidents than last semester. Ransdell said reducing “administrative overhead” and using some of the money paid to administrators to ease university-wide budget cut pressure was the reason for the change. 

Brian Meredith, chief enrollment and graduation officer, is another new addition to the Administrative Council. Meredith, former associate vice president for Enrollment Management, is responsible for various aspects of academic affairs including admissions, academic advising and retention. 

Despite some holding a vice president position and others considered chiefs, Ransdell said the titles have little significance. 

“I wouldn’t read anything into somebody having those two words in their title as being any more important than anybody else,” he said.