Advertising course initiates national research project

John Corum

Keeping up with the times is a constant endeavor – especially in education. However, the WKU Advertising Campaigns course in the School of Journalism and Broadcasting has risen to meet the challenge.

This semester, the class has initiated a national research project to evaluate the trends in the real-world industries of Advertising and Public Relations. 

The project, led by professor of Advertising Cliff Shaluta, will use their findings to help shape the future of the WKU Advertising and Public Relations programs.


According to Brazil Senior Victoria Frascino, the research portion of the project sought to confirm the qualities needed by Advertising and Public Relations students to be competitive in the job market. 

“We are looking through different target audiences to figure out what the industry needs from us…the programs we need to know, the skill sets we need to possess,” Frascino said.

According to Frascino, the conclusions reached by the project will be used to determine whether revamping WKU’s Advertising and Public Relations programs is necessary to fulfill these modern needs.

Louisville Senior Gabrielle Williamson, project participant, explained that this modernization has the potential to improve an already exemplary program.

“We are looking into what other teachers are doing and comparing it to the industry’s needs so that we can change our program to make it better,” Williamson said. 

The project recently concluded the research portion. While analysis of the findings has already begun, Williamson explained that the research process alone greatly supplemented her collegiate education.

“We’ve learned a lot about the research process in a real-world context,” Williamson explained.

According to Frascino, the improvements the project hopes to identify won’t only be helpful – they will be necessary in keeping up with the rapidly changing times. 

“The advertising concept just doesn’t exist as it used to,” Frascino said.