Commentary: My case for executive vice president

By: Nolan Miles

With the Student Government Association elections just on the horizon, senator and executive officer candidates are fully engaged in their campaigning efforts. Posters, social media campaigns, and speeches are on the forefront of this year’s SGA elections. 

The executive officer debate took place this past Wednesday to allow candidates to voice their plans for the upcoming school year. In light of a national Enactus competition in Cincinnati, Ohio it was unfortunate that I was unable to attend the debate, something of vital importance to me as an Executive Vice President candidate.

With major university changes fast approaching, the SGA is needed to work diligently this upcoming semester to ensure the student voice is heard. These changes that WKU will soon face affect both students and employees.

A major concern of the student body involves the budget cut the university will soon face due to a decrease in state funding. The SGA, as well as myself, understand the vitality of keeping an increase in student fees at a minimum. With the decline in student enrollment for the first time in years, the EVP must work to voice the opinion of the student body related to the budget cut. 

Apart from funding, the need for adequate student representation within the SGA has been a concern of mine since my election to senate three years ago. 

In order to expand student representation within the organization I find it necessary to introduce new SGA marketing strategies. With the initiation of the SGA Street Team, a PR group to promote SGA signature services, as well as effectively recruiting students to apply for elections is key to increase diverse student involvement on campus.  

Alongside these plans, I hope to utilize the EVP position to alter the meal plans to provide healthier options – a continuous concern of the student body. As a fair trade university WKU has the option to introduce more fair trade products on campus, a need that I see is both important and simple to resolve. 

I strongly encourage all students to be part in selecting the SGA representatives, as they will be crucial in effectively making a change within the WKU student government. Elections for SGA senators and executive officers takes place on TopNet, April 8th & 9th.