WKU’s director of admissions ‘no longer holds the position’

Trey Crumbie

Scott Gordon, WKU’s director of admissions, “no longer holds the position,” according to Robbin Taylor, vice president for Public Affairs.

Starting last Thursday, Dale Brown, director for college and school relations, and Sharon Hunter, coordinator for developmental education, are now co-directors of admissions in the interim as a replacement is found, Taylor said.

The news comes as enrollment numbers are reported to be down 668 students since last fall, according to the office of the registrar.


Since 2009, total student enrollment has hovered around 20,000. In the fall of 2009, total enrollment sat at 20,712, and in 2010, at 20,903. Numbers continued to climb in fall 2011 with 21,048. Enrollment peaked in fall 2012 with 21,124 total students enrolled. Spring 2013 total enrollment sat at 19,206. 

President Gary Ransdell said earlier this semester he expected enrollment to be down, attributing newly implemented higher admission standards as the cause. Ransdell said WKU will be looking at students with higher GPA and ACT averages, as well as their rank in class when admitting students into WKU in the future.

“A few years ago, we would expect it to be marching towards 22,000, 23,000, 24,000 students, but the numbers are changing,” Ransdell said. “Now I believe our enrollment targets are instead going from 21 to 22,000 we may actually be going from 21 to 20,000, but have higher quality (students) and better revenues because of the mix I have been describing.”