UPDATE: Body found in home near campus
October 8, 2013
The body of a female WKU student was discovered in a house across the street from Thompson Complex North Wing at about 2:45 p.m. Tuesday.
An autopsy has been conducted, but the results are not known at this time, according to an email from Ronnie Ward, public information officer for Bowling Green Police Department.
Joe Imel, assistant managing editor online/visuals for the Bowling Green Daily News, tweeted at around 3:40 p.m. that “Coroner called to scene at 524 E. 14th St. BGPD, Detectives, EMS, BGFD on scene. Called earlier for unresponsive person, hysterical female.”
Imel tweets information he hears relayed over the police scanner.
One WKU Police Department and four BGPD vehicles were on the scene, in addition to an engine from the Bowling Green Fire Department.
Students at the scene described a woman running out of the house, asking for help and attracting the attention of a man, who then proceeded to call 911.
The students the Herald spoke with wished to remain unnamed in this story.