Charging station bill vetoed by executive council

Kaely Holloway

Debate dominated the floor of Student Government Association on Tuesday night. In one night, a bill was presented, altered, passed and ultimately vetoed.

The bill’s purpose was to fund two of five KwikBoost charging stations, one at the Glasgow campus and the other in a WKU main campus library, as part of a partnership with WKU Libraries. The other three stations will be funded by the Libraries.

The total cost of these two stations would be a one time payment of $1,598 to be taken from the senate discretionary portion of the budget.


Resolution author, and newly appointed Campus Improvements committee head, Alexis Baker presented her resolution to the Senate.

“We all have iPhones, iPads, we’re very technologically oriented so this would just help us,” Baker said. “It’s two stations that are going to have basically iPhone and iPad chargers in them for students to use at their leisure.”

The stations would also support other types of smartphone devices, coming equipped with eight different chargers.

Senator Cain Alvey proposed one of the locations, proposed to be in the Helm 2 periodicals room, be changed to the Commons at Cravens library.

Ultimately, the change was approved and passed by a majority vote.

“With this, Helm would get two of these KwikBoost stations, and my rationale behind suggesting the Commons at Cravens would be the traffic that goes through there,” Alvey said.

After the Senate meeting was adjourned, however, the executive committee proceeded to veto this legislation during their meeting.

An updated budget was also presented to the senate body during the meeting.

SGA has spent roughly $73,000 of its $125,000 as of Tuesday night. According to the updated budget, most of the money spent to date, $15,000, went towards the SafeRide service, a program sponsoring the purple bus line that runs late at night on weekends.

The meeting ended with four resolutions going in to first read. Student Affairs sponsored two resolutions, a call for benches at bus stops and a resolution in support of condiments for desserts at Fresh Food Company. Organizational Aid sponsored two resolutions, one for a study into the feasibility of a new parking structure and money appropriations for several on campus organizations.

These will all be presented by their respective authors for second read next week.