New majors, new department pass Board of Regents committee meeting

Trey Crumbie

Several new Majors, creation of a department of psychological sciences, and all other items passed at the Board of Regents Committee Meeting Friday.

All the items approved by the board will go on to the Board of Regents meeting on October 25th for full approval.

Among the items passed today was creation of a new Chinese and Arabic major and minor. The rationale for this cited student requests and the growing economic need for both languages.


Faculty regent Patricia Minter said she supported the idea.

โ€œIโ€™m thrilled to see that youโ€™re doing this because this says weโ€™re quite serious, not only internationalization, but having the type of intellectual culture the university should have,โ€ Minter said at the meeting.

No student affairs items were voted on, but several information items were discussed.

Brian Kuster, executive director of housing and residence life, spoke about occupancy of resident halls on campus.

โ€œWeโ€™re really starting to focus more on trying to retain more of our juniors and seniors,โ€ Kuster said.

Kuster said private, individual rooms are more appealing to older students.

โ€œIf we build anything with double occupancy thatโ€™s not what our students want,โ€ Kuster said.

Another item discussed and passed was the creation of the department of psychological sciences. The department of psychological sciences would be split from the department of psychology and housed in the Ogden College of Science and Engineering. The item contained background information which revealed numerous faculty members in the department of Psychology have special expertise in areas of psychology that are closely aligned with Ogden College.

Gordon Emslie, provost and vice president for academic affairs, said the curriculum could change if the departments were to split.

โ€œRight now the degree in psychology is a B.A., there is no B.S. degree,โ€ Emslie said. โ€œThese will be things that basically the faculty will work out.โ€

Other items that were approved included an employee agreement for Deborah Wilkins, general counsel and chief of staff; an internal audit charter, and emeritus appointments.