Alive Center and ISCR come together as result of budget cuts


The Institute for Citizenship and Social Responsibility and the ALIVE Center for Community Partnerships will be working closer together, thanks to recent proposed budget cuts.

The cuts involve merging the two groups’ budgets into one pool, saving the university an estimated $80,000. The budget merger would “create efficiencies,” according to an email sent out by president Gary Ransdell to faculty and staff outlining the proposed changes for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.


Saundra Ardrey, co-director for the ICSR, said this cut doesn’t alter the programs they offer students.

“Our number one objective is that our services to students will remain unchanged,” she said.

The ICSR holds events such as Wii the People, T3 (Third Tuesday Tea) to facilitate conversation about important national and global topics, as well as the Films That Make You Think series.

Ardrey said the ICSR was informed Tuesday morning of the proposed budget merge the morning before Ransdell sent out his email to faculty and staff.

“We understand that the budget is constrained,” Ardrey said. “All of us anticipated something … The good thing is the ICSR and the ALIVE Center have always worked together. We have a whole history of sharing resources.”

Leah Ashwill, director for the ALIVE Center, echoed Ardrey’s sentiments.

“The ALIVE Center and ICSR are accustomed to working collaboratively,” she said. “We will be looking for even more ways to think creatively about how we carry out our work and implement our programs.”


Like the ICSR, the budget cut won’t result in a loss of programs for the ALIVE Center, Ashwill said.

The ALIVE center funds student activities such as “The $100 Solution” for undergraduate and graduate students, and the Hill House for graduate students. The ALIVE Center also facilitates the Bonner Leadership Scholar program, a service scholarship that awards recipients a partial tuition scholarship from WKU.

Despite a smaller budget, the two groups will not have to consolidate space. The ALIVE Center will remain on the US 31-W bypass, and the ICSR will continue to function out of Garrett Conference Center. As Ransdell stated in his email, the budget cut will not mean personnel loss for either organization.