Seay sworn in as administrative vice president at SGA meeting, SGA passes final bills of semester

Sarah Stukenborg

Nicki Seay was sworn in as administrative vice president at the Student Government Association’s meeting on Tuesday.

The SGA end-of-the-year banquet will be held next Tuesday, during finals week, and the other newly elected executive officers and senators will be sworn into office there.


Seay is unable to attend the banquet, so she was sworn in earlier.

SGA passed a bill on Tuesday to fund the extension of the Cravens-Helm Library hours during finals week.

Keyana Boka, executive vice president, said Java City will be providing snacks and coffee during the extended hours for late night studiers.

“This year, WKU is helping them (Java City) put out fair trade products,” Boka said. “It’s a good way to promote fair trade on campus.”

SGA also passed a bill for the funding of the 2013 summer session scholarships.

According to Brittany Crowley, director of Academic and Student Affairs, SGA was able to create more summer session scholarships due to an allocation from Organizational Aid funding.

“We were fortunately able to up it to 17,” Crowley said.


The summer session scholarship funding originally began with enough aid for three scholarships. Crowley hopes that next year SGA will take into account the demand for these scholarships and allocate more money.

SGA’s Academic Affairs Committee chose the recipients for this year’s Scholar Development grant awards.

Hannah Garland, Academic Affairs Committee chair, said recipients can use the Scholar Development grants for research projects or conferences attended during the current semester and the upcoming summer.

The recipients for the Study Abroad scholarships were also chosen, and SGA passed a bill for their award allocations.

Garland said more than 100 students applied for a Study Abroad scholarship, and a little over half were turned down.

“We had so many applications this year and not enough funding,” Garland said.

According to Garland, SGA usually gives the flat amount of $300 per Study Abroad scholarship recipient instead of dividing the funds up in order to distribute to all of the applicants.

Garland said the Academic Affairs Committee has a specific criteria for grading and choosing the applications.


“We really are careful about grading these,” Garland said.

Seth Church, chief justice of the Judicial Branch, announced that the rewriting of the election codes has officially begun.