Crime reports for Friday, April 26

Cameron Koch

View WKU Campus Crime Map Spring 2013 in a larger map



• Junior Jade Primicias, McLean Hall, reported suspicious transactions on her debit account on April 24.

• Winchester senior Brad Stephens reported his video camera stolen while at Mass Media and Technology Hall on April 24. The estimated value of the item stolen is $400.

• Freshman Chloe Hawkins, Bemis Lawrence Hall, reported damage done to the tires of her vehicle while parked in Pearce Ford Tower parking lot on April 24. The cost of the damage is estimated at $110.

• Freshman Clay Cameron, Barnes-Campbell Hall, reported his laptop stolen from his dorm room on April 24. The estimated value of the item stolen is $920.

• Freshman Blake Bowman, Keen Hall, reported his cell phone stolen from his roommate’s backpack in the Preston Center on April 23. The estimated value of the stolen item is $240.