SGA approves bill for Study Away scholarships

Sarah Stukenborg

The Student Government Association passed a bill for Study Away Scholarships at Tuesday night’s meeting.

The Study Away Scholarships bill will allow SGA to allocate $800 to be used to provide eight $100 scholarships to students who wish to participate in Study Away during the spring 2013 and summer 2013 programs.


SGA President Cory Dodds announced that preparation for SGA’s spring elections are being made.

Mallory Chaney, Campus Improvements Committee chair, said SGA’s Campus Safety Walk will take place on Feb. 26.

As of Tuesday afternoon, 30 transcript vouchers have been used by students throughout the semester. There are still 70 left.

Mac Mullins, Public Relations Committee chair, said there is a possibility of getting an SGA team together for Up Til’ Dawn.

Two new senators, Taylor Gwinn and Brad Cockrel, were appointed at the meeting. Also, Seth Church was appointed to Chief Justice, and Kara Raley was appointed to Associate Justice.

The senate members voted for Cain Alvey, administrative vice president, to be SGA’s candidate for homecoming king.