SGA wants to keep the bar set high with plans for spring semester

Sarah Stukenborg

The Student Government Association is making plans for the spring semester for teaching evaluations and a value-added grading system resolution, while continuing initiatives like the safe rides program.

Smithland senior Cory Dodds, SGA president, is excited about the idea of teaching assistant evaluations.


“I think it’s something we’ve needed for a long time,” Dodds said.

Upcoming events and initiatives for the semester include the Campus Safety Walk, Campus Cleanup and the value-added grading system resolution.

The value-added grading system is the idea of including pluses or minuses in the standard A, B and C’s.

The resolution that would support the value-added grading system got its first read at Tuesday night’s meeting.

Bowling Green junior Keyana Boka, executive vice president of SGA, thinks the new grading system is a great idea.

“It’s very beneficial to students,” Boka said.

Lewisport sophomore Cain Alvey, the administrative vice president, spoke about past successful events SGA hosted.


“The biggest success in our opinion is Dine with Decision Makers,” Alvey said.

For that event, federal, state and local decision-makers were invited by SGA to dine with students and attend a Hilltopper basketball game afterward last December.

Alvey said other services provided by SGA such as Safe Rides, which is known as “the purple line,” and Campus Cleanup yielded great results as well.

SGA plans a Campus Cleanup every semester, in which SGA senators and WKU students are invited to pick up trash around campus.

“I think it’s a big difference whenever students get out there and clean up, rather than employees,” Alvey said.

SGA has so far been happy with the “the purple line,” and it will continue running this semester.

In the upcoming weeks, the idea of student teacher evaluations will be voted on in SGA.

The Campus Safety Walk, which will take place soon, is where SGA will get together with the police department and walk around campus to examine safety issues.


“It’s still early,” Alvey said. “We could always come up with more programs as the semester goes along.”