Plans continue for SGA’s teaching assistant evaluations

Sarah Stukenborg

The Academic Quality Committee has passed the Student Government Association’s student teaching assistant evaluations resolution.

SGA President Cory Dodds announced that the Senate Executive Committee will vote on the resolution on Monday.


“We’ve had the opportunity to make a tangible impact on the student body,” Dodds said.

A resolution for the adoption of new amendments to SGA’s constitution and bylaws was up for its second read.

The senate moved to pass the resolution with the exception of section nine. Section nine involves the eligibility of SGA members to apply for SGA-sponsored scholarships or grants.

As of now, SGA members are eligible for these grants. The new amendment calls for the revocation of SGA members’ eligibility.

Keyana Boka, executive vice president of SGA, said the resolution to oppose the Study Abroad fee will be on its second read for the meeting next Tuesday.

SGA passed a bill that will allocate $1,775 total to the organizations Phi Alpha Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho, WKU Up `Til Dawn, Lamda Pi Eta and Baptist Campus Ministry.

Cain Alvey, administrative vice president of SGA, said there is still organizational aid left.


“We still have plenty of money left to allocate to organizations,” Alvey said.

In addition to the organizational aid bill passed, a bill for the funding of scantrons and blue books being placed in the WKU library was passed by the senate as well.

The scantrons and blue books will only be available for pickup after SGA’s office closes at 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. There is still a 5 per person limit on the scantrons.

SGA’s spring 2013 elections are coming up, and applications for a position are available on their website.

Mallory Chaney, Campus Improvements Committee chair, said the Campus Safety Walk has been set for April 2 and that date will not change.

For more on this story, check out Friday’s edition of the College Heights Herald.