Chi O decides not to pursue house on Chestnut Street

Sarah Stukenborg

As plans for a new Honors College and International Center are set in motion, negotiations over relocating the Chi Omega sorority house are underway.

Over winter break, WKU filed an application with the Bowling Green city planning and zoning committee to amend the university district.


The application called for the addition of a house on Chestnut Street to potentially become the new Chi O house.

โ€œChi O wants to upgrade their facility,โ€ Charley Pride, director of student activities, said.

The university district consists of houses around campus and allows Greek organizations to put letters on these houses and call them their own.

WKU withdrew the application due to Chi Oโ€™s decision not to pursue the house. According to Pride, the house did not fit the needs of the sorority.

Steve Hunter, director at the planning commission, said that there were calls made to the city clerkโ€™s office by unhappy neighbors who didnโ€™t like the idea of a sorority house on their street.

โ€œI would refer them to the university or told them to come to the hearing,โ€ Hunter said.

Chi O advisors, along with the president, declined comment. But, the sorority is no longer interested in the house, according to Charley Pride.


โ€œItโ€™s a dead case at this point,โ€ Hunter said.

Pride also said that Chi O is still on the hunt for a new house.