SGA representatives head to New York for national meeting

Sarah Stukenborg

Two representatives of WKU’s Student Government Association are headed to New York City to participate in No Labels’ Meeting to Make America Work on Jan. 14.

Kendrick Bryan, Elizabethtown WKU alumnus, is one of the representatives going to New York City. He previously served as SGA’s executive vice president and ran for Kentucky state representative last May. Lewisport sophomore Cain Alvey will also serve as a representative. Alvey is SGA’s current administrative vice president.


“The red towel is going to New York,” Bryan said.

No Labels is a group of Democrats, Republicans and independents working together in order to promote new policy reform and unite the political parties.

Bryan and Alvey will be attending the meeting on Monday along with more than 1,300 No Labels citizen leaders and elected officials. The conference will focus on bipartisanship and will be an opportunity to meet several politicians. There will be a general meeting and an activist training meeting.

Bill Galston, No Labels co-founder, said in a press release that it’s important for both parties to find common ground.

“On the heels of a fiscal cliff resolution that postponed action on many critical issues, it will be essential to have Democrats and Republicans willing to search for common ground in the months ahead.” Galston said. “At this moment in our history, working to bridge the partisan divide is both the principled and the patriotic thing to do.”

Bryan has followed the group for quite some time and is excited for the opportunity to attend the meeting.

“What I like about No Labels is it promotes middle ground,” Bryan said.


Former Gov. Jon Huntsman and Sen. Joe Manchin are the new national leaders of No Labels and the movement.

“Governor Huntsman and Senator Manchin can play a critical role in building support across the country for our parties coming together,” Galston said in a press release.

Like Bryan, Alvey said he is really excited about the trip.

“It’s going to be a great learning experience,” Alvey said.