Power issues close McLean and Grise

Jackson French

McLean Hall and Grise Hall have been without power since Sunday night.

Both buildings have been closed and Charles E. Jones, director of Facilities Management, expects they will not be fit to re-open until Wednesday.

“The power failure was an electrical feed going to Grise Hall and McLean Hall,” Jones explained. “Basically, it was a wire failure.”

To restore power to the buildings, Facilities Management needs parts called connectors, which are used to join wires and other electrical parts. Facilities Management was unable to find connectors locally and has had to order them from the manufacturer.

“The material will arrive tomorrow sometime,” Jones said. “But it will take us almost 24 hours to get it put back in and have the buildings come back up.”

While the parts are being shipped, Facilities Management has taken measures to protect the buildings.

“We do have some generators operating to protect the systems,” Jones said.

In addition to this precaution, the water lines in Grise have been drained to keep them from freezing.

Though Jones has said that the buildings will be re-opened on Wednesday, he remains unsure of what time.

“It would be in the afternoon at the earliest,” Jones said.