SGA discusses new grading system, passes bills

Quiche Matchen

The Student Government Association held their final meeting of the semester tonight, which included guest speakers, bills and a resolution.

Gordon Emslie, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, and Guy Jordan, a member of the University Senate, spoke to SGA about the proposed ‘value-added’ grading system.


“Some time ago the University Senate proposed a plus, minus grading system for all courses,” Emslie said. “It took several years to develop, only to be dashed at the last minute.”

Students who earn final grades in the top one-third of B and C grades would get an extra quality point added onto their grade. Those grades would have a designated “+” added to the end of their grade, according to the proposal.

“I think the plus-plus value added system is a way to go because the faculty is giving something up and students don’t have to deal with the grief,” Jordan said. “There may be some faculty that would just look at this and say, ‘I went to a school that had plus minus grades, why aren’t we using plus minus grades?’”

SGA president Cory Dodds said he was in favor of the new system and encouraged the senators to support it.

Emslie and Jordan answered all the questions SGA members had for them.

Bills up for second read included an organizational aid bill, a bill funding for the purchase of digital cameras and one providing funding for the 2013 Healthy Days student health fair.

The organizational aid bill offers funding for the WKU Geology club, Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society, Association of Computing Machinery, Korean Students Association, Student Affairs Graduate Association and Public Relations Student Society of America.


The next bill allocated funding for three Nikon Coolpix L26 digital cameras for the Technology Resource Center.

SGA members voted to suspend the bylaws so they could move funding for the 2013 Healthy Day student health fair to second read.

All bills were unanimously approved.

The resolution to support forming a Public Relations exploratory committee in SGA will stay in unfinished business until their first meeting next semester.