CHH Politics: Election results show a changing America

Trey Crumbie

The election may be over, but its implications have yet to begin. This is especially true when it comes to the demographics of voter turnout. The 2012 election saw the most diverse turnout in the nation’s history. 

According to exit polls conducted by CNN, the youth vote (those aged 18-29) made up 19 percent of the electorate. Although the youth vote still lags behind most age demographics, it put questions to rest from 2008 regarding if the youth vote would be able to repeat its turnout next election.


The youth vote was not the only voter demographic that had changed from 2008. The minority vote saw a slight increase from the 2008 election, especially among Latinos and Asians.

All of these election results communicate one unifying idea: The demographics of America are changing. Gone are the days where an election can solely be won by depending on the senior or Caucasian vote. 

Diverse people all across America are becoming more and more politically aware and are slowly but surely making their respective voices heard. These changing voices are not limited to race and age, either. Sexual orientation and sex are beginning to play a bigger role in American politics.

The main political parties are taking notice as well. The Democratic Party recently nominated and elected the first openly gay senator to serve in the U.S. Senate, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. Members of the Republican Party have slowly begun contemplating potential candidates to run for president in 2016, two of which — Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana and Marco Rubio, senator from Florida — are considered racial minorities.

America should not be broken down into categories and demographics, however. Americans — and humans in general — are more complex than that. In the end, a vote or a political ideology cannot be predetermined by one’s race or age. 

If it’s one thing that we should take away from voter turnout of this election, it’s that America is changing and we should all take notice and embrace it.