SGA looks at budget, retention efforts

Quiche Matchen

Reconvening after Election Day, the Student Government Association came back to bills and a resolution to read and guest speakers.

At the beginning of the meeting, SGA’s current budget was passed out to show the remaining balance and how much money has been spent.


Christopher Costa, speaker of the senate, opened the floor to guest speaker Joelle Carter, assistant vice president for Retention and Student Services, to talk to SGA about retention.

Her goal as vice president is to recruit students to WKU and keep them here until graduation.

Carter asked SGA what student leaders could do to help out and encourage students not to pack up and leave.

“I thought it would be important to put a face with a name with you all since my role is so interesting because it’s a bridge between student and academic affairs,” Carter said. 

Although no senators provided feedback, she encouraged SGA members to think about it and contact her back if they had any ideas.

Another speaker was Roy Ratliff, who said he is the nominated interim president of Glasgow’s student body.

Ratliff reminded students about the special session to ratify a new constitution for the name change 3 p.m. Friday at Glasgow’s campus.


An organizational bill up for second read included funding for Amazing Tones of Joy, Women’s Rugby club, S.T.R.I.P.E.S. (Hilltoppers Official Association) and the Woman’s Ultimate Frisbee club.

Amazing Tones of Joy requested $500 for the funding to rent equipment and to hire guest speakers and singers for a concert.

Women’s Rugby club requested $400 for the registration cost to the NashBash tournament in Nashville.

S.T.R.I.P.E.S. requested $500 to pay for their flag football tournament slots and registration for WKU flag football team.

Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team requested $500 to pay for registration costs for tournaments and new equipment for their team.

The bill was unanimously approved.

A bill up for first read included organizational aid, library extended hours and resolution to support the Glasgow reorganization.

The organizational aid bill up for first read were those offering funding for organizations Habitat for Humanity, Black Graduate Student Association, S.I.S.T.E.R.S. (Sisters Inspiring Sisters Mentorship Program), Share a Swipe, WKU Men’s Ultimate Frisbee team and Vietnamese Student Association.


Habitat for Humanity requested $500 for registration costs for the Collegiate Challenge, which allows them to participate in building houses for families across the country, according to the bill.

The Collegiate Challenge includes improving existing housing structures, helping build a house or volunteering on other projects that help meet the goals of Habitat for Humanity in the community, according to the organizations website.

Black Graduate Student Association requested $100 for promotional materials for the organization and future programming, according to the bill.

S.I.S.T.E.R.S. requested $500 for community outreach initiatives, mentoring programs and leadership training to grow each individual member of the organization.

Share a Swipe requested $500 for the purchase of goods for their elementary outreach program to provide meals for elementary students throughout the community.

WKU Men’s Ultimate Frisbee team requested $500 for registration costs to regional tournaments and gear for the entire team.

Vietnamese Student Association requested $70 for programming materials for meetings and recruitment program.

SGA’s meeting next Tuesday is canceled due to Thanksgiving Break. Costa said this was because many of the senators were excited to go home because of the break.