Glasgow student government ratifies constitution

Quiche Matchen

Glasgow’s Associated Student Body ratified its constitution on Nov. 16.

Roy Ratliff, interim president of ASB said the goal of the ratification is to give Student Government Association a presence on the regional campus.


“As well as the regional campus to have a vote in student government,” Ratliff said.

He said the organization adopted the same bylaws as SGA and are selecting committees for the spring semester.

Ratliff said main campus students should care about the ratification because Glasgow students are just as important as those on main campus.

“We make up a healthy segment of the student population,” Ratliff said. “Just like they have concerns as far as issues of means and desires they’d like to have on campus, our students have the same.

“We had a unanimous vote with no abstentions of the students that were present at the meeting,” he said.

“I hope this sets the frameworks for other regional campuses like Elizabethtown, Radcliff and Owensboro,” he said.

Cain Alvey, SGA administrative vice president, said main campus hasn’t figured out where Glasgow SGA fits in yet.


“We just discussed future plans for the organization,” Alvey said.

He said there were a couple changes made to the constitution.

“They adopted their own constitution based off of ours,” Alvey said. “Made it more conformed to their student body.”

Alvey said according to the constitution, main campus SGA will be the overseeing body.

“If we see anything wrong we’ll deal with it,” Alvey said.

SGA has a resolution to support Glasgow as a student body association. SGA will vote on the resolution on Tuesday.

Alvey said the idea for the resolution came from Ratliff.

“The plan is if the resolution passes they’ll start doing what they plan on doing,” he said. “If the resolution is approved, SGA will recognize Glasgow as a student body organization under SGA and will affiliate.”


Christopher Costa, student speaker of the SGA senate, said the ratification is the first step to setting up a formal organization.

“A few weeks ago we talked about the vision they had and SGA’s position on how we felt about representation of the students,” Costa said. “They had a vision for what they wanted and their practical issues.”

He said he hopes to see some positives come out of the ratification.

“It’s in their hands as far as it being successful,” Costa said.