IFC elects new cabinet

Sarah Stukenborg

Male Greeks across campus are hoping for a great year with the results of 2013’s Interfraternity Council (IFC) election Monday in Cravens Library. Nominees stepped up to speak in front of IFC delegates, and were chosen by ballots.

Bonnieville junior Kyle McKinley, member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and newly elected IFC president, said he has loved every minute of his Greek life and is glad to be the new council president.


“Time management is key,” McKinley said in an email. “I plan on using my time wisely with the IFC board, fraternities and Greek advisers.”

IFC is the governing body for WKU’s 14 Interfraternity Conference fraternities. The council has many responsibilities such as making sure members follow campus rules and regulations, enhancing relationships among members and the WKU community, improving Greek life and more, according to the IFC website

McKinley said he already has ideas and plans to make for a successful year.

“I would like to see Greek life overall well bonded together no matter the fraternity or sorority,” he said.

IFC works with PanHellenic, campus activities, and Greek advisers. A big job for the council is coordinating spring and fall rush.

Owensboro junior Cody Coomes, member of FarmHouse fraternity and new vice president of Recruitment for IFC, said he’s ready for the responsibility.

“It’s a great way to get involved and to meet all kinds of people on campus, Greek and non-Greek,” Coomes said. “I’m told that being on the IFC Executive Board is a great experience and I’m excited about what’s to come.”


Other newly elected council members include IFC vice president of Judicial Affairs Chris Hancock of Farmhouse, IFC Secretary Mike Bennett of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, and IFC Treasurer Tate Hall of Sigma Epsilon fraternity. The IFC academics director is Ben Liebman of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, IFC PR director is Tate Downing of Sigma Chi fraternity, and IFC activities director Clay Ahart of Sigma Chi.

Downing, a Bowling Green sophomore said he is excited for the upcoming year.

“I feel honored being the new public relations officer,” Downing said. “I’m hoping that I can get each chapter more involved during events on campus.”