Robberies near campus prompt attention from WKU

Cameron Koch

Bowling Green police responded to two armed robberies near campus last Friday, prompting a WKU text alert.

Two black males wearing black hoodies and bandanas robbed Springfield, Tenn., senior Ryan Whitten and Glasgow senior Tevis Smith at gunpoint in two separate instances, according to the police report.


Whitten told police he thought it was “a little odd” for the two men to be wearing hoodies as he watched them  approach him.

The men robbed Whitten as he walked on 13th and High Street to reach his residence.

Whitten followed the men for several minutes while on the phone with police before losing sight of them on State Street.

Smith watched as the culprits ran at him, robbing him as he walked on 13th and Park Street toward his residence.

In each case, one of the robbers told Smith and Whitten at gunpoint to “give me everything you got,” with Smith having a gun placed on his chest, according to the report.

Smith and Whitten both surrendered their wallets containing cash as well as debit and credit cards. Smith also gave up his iPhone.

Smith began to track his stolen phone and provide information to BGPD while remotely activating a tone from the phone, according to the report.


As police responded to the scene, two men fitting the reported description fled on foot. A BGPD search of the area near the 1200 block of Center Street recovered Smith’s stolen cell phone, as well as a Daisy CO2 powered BB gun pistol, according to the report.

The suspects may have fled to and drove off in a vehicle, though the report states BGPD attempts to locate it were unsuccessful.

Mandi Johnson, WKU Police Department’s communication officer, said though WKUPD wasn’t directly involved in this matter, they monitor BGPD dispatch and pay close attention to crimes near campus.

“We thought there might be a possibility of them coming onto campus,” she said. “That’s why the alert was sent, just to give everybody a heads up.”