Board of Regents to discuss property exchange, fall enrollment


Friday morning’s upcoming Board of Regents meeting will address developing properties around campus, construction updates, and enrollment numbers.

The property on the agenda is 1415 College Street, also known as Cherry Hill Place. The discussion will revolve around developing it for Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, in exchange for their current property on Normal Street.


According to the agenda, the Normal Street property was last appraised at $210,000. The existing mortgage on the College Street property is approximately $270,000. The funds will be taken from the university’s reserve funds, which president Gary Ransdell said has largely been used for property acquisition.

John Osborne, vice president of Auxiliary Services and Facilities, will provide a construction update. In addition to Downing University Center renovation, the agenda attachment also includes progress on the Information Commons in Cravens library and infrastructure updates.

Brian Meredith, associate vice president of Enrollment Management, will present fall enrollment numbers to the Board. Ransdell said enrollment will be “about even,” with a slight increase from the Fall 2011 semester.

“It’s a good, stable enrollment report,” he said. “It gives us confidence.”

Overall, Ransdell called this agenda “relatively light,” particularly in action items.

“Due to the timing of university life, this particular agenda doesn’t have a lot of action items on it,” he said.