Crime reports for Tuesday, Oct. 30

Cameron Koch

View WKU Campus Crime in a larger map


Editor’s Note: Twice a week the map will be updated with the crime reports of the weekThe key for the crime map is as follows:

Red-Assault, Blue-Theft, Turquoise-Robbery, Yellow-Arrest, Green-Citation, Purple-Report


• Police cited freshman Lucas Bartnick, Pearce Ford Tower, for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia on Oct. 28.

• Police cited sophomore Amy Greenwell, Rodes-Harlin Hall, for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a revoked Kentucky operating license on Oct. 27.

• Freshmen Tim R. Witchard and Jayson Henderson, Barnes-Campbell Hall, reported a theft from their dorm room on Oct. 27. The value of the stolen items is estimated at $820.

• Freshman Aaron Jernigan, McCormack Hall, reported items stolen from his car as well as damage to his vehicle in Adams lot on Oct. 26. The value of the items stolen is estimated at $30.



• Police arrested Timothy Sloss Jr. on a warrant for failure to comply, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a controlled substance on Oct. 27.

• Police arrested Bryan Cortez Smith on a warrant for failure to appear in court on Oct. 26.

• Police arrested Matthew Bratcher for disregarding a traffic light, reckless driving and driving under the influence on Oct. 26.

• Police arrested Joshua Vaughn for reckless driving and DUI on Oct. 26.



