SGA pro South Campus food court

Quiche Matchen

Student Government Association passed a resolution Tuesday night to support South Campus having a food court.

The South Campus food court shut down at the beginning of the semester. Students now have “grab-n-go” food in the WKU Store, which has reduced hours.


SGA met at South Campus at the beginning of the month to open the floor for South Campus students to voice their opinions on the food court issue.

Denver junior Elicia Tillis said the changes were a “slap in the face,” and students won’t be able to focus with an empty stomach.

“We should be able to eat like the main campus students,” she said. “It’s funny that we’ve got the money to renovate buildings, but not enough to feed students.”

Louisville junior Natalie Broderick, author of the resolution and chairman of Student Affairs committee, said the decision came to make a resolution when they met at South Campus.

“South Campus deserves a food court, and it’s our job as SGA to help the students,” Broderick said.

President Gary Ransdell said the decision to close South Campus food court was simply because of supply and demand.

“If there’s a demand for it we’ll provide it,” Ransdell said. “It went away because it simply wasn’t being used.”


Ransdell said auxiliary food service, the bookstore and the ID center are all businesses and sometimes the service outweighs the business aspect.

“For the most part our auxiliary business decisions are based on what students demand,” he said. “I can’t expect our campus restaurant and catering group to provide a food service option that students don’t show any interest in.”

Ransdell said he’d like to think SGA did their research and understood the decision to close the food court before they passed the resolution.

“They probably didn’t do a business pro-forma to see if that resolution was valid or not,” he said. “Sometimes resolutions are made based on the emotion or a feel-good sense of getting or wanting to do something.”

John Osbourne, vice president of Auxiliary Services, will provide a report detailing the decision to close the food court and outline options to provide food service to South Campus.