Sigma Chi and AOPi host mud volleyball tournament

Sarah Stukenborg

Sigma Chi fraternity and Alpha Omicron Pi sorority joined forces to host their first philanthropy event — a mud volleyball tournament held at the WKU Farm on Thursday.

Bowling Green senior Katherine Montgomery, AOPi philanthropy chair, organized the event along with Hopkinsville sophomore Clay Ahart, philanthropy chair for Sigma Chi.


“Almost $1,500 dollars has been raised,” Montgomery said. “The money will be split between AOPi and Sigma Chi to be donated.”

AOPi’s philanthropy is arthritis research and Sigma Chi’s is the Huntsman Cancer Institute.

In the past the mud volleyball tournament was hosted solely by AOPi. The Bowling Green Fire Department used 10,000 gallons of water donated by Southern Foods to create the muddy court.

Waukesha, Wis., freshman Jordan Nushart, member of Kappa Alpha fraternity, had fun in the mud.

“It’s not too often you get a chance like this,” Nushart said. “It’s fun to help people out.”

Montgomery said almost every Greek organization participated.

Chi Omega sorority came out victorious in the girls division, while Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji) fraternity won for the men.


Lexington freshman Savannah Smith, an AOPi, said she had a great time at the tournament.

“My favorite part was getting muddy and watching everyone play volleyball,” Smith said.